SCHE Sports Registration

SCHE is excited to bring you a better way to register for sports.  No more hunting for the individuals who are collecting dues and fees.  SCHE accepts all registrations and payments for sports online exclusively.

To register your children, simply follow the link below.  You will add one registration to your cart for each sport that your children will be participating.  Select the appropriate age group for your child when registering and you are set.  These fees cover the cost of using the  Starkville Sportsplex facilities.

In addition, to complete the registration you must also add the SCHE Sports Registration Fee to your cart.  This fee covers the cost of equipment and insurance.

To register, simply follow the link below:

As a reminder, SCHE will not accept cash or checks at the sports fields or during kickoff.  You must register your child through the link above in order for them to be added to the roster and be able to participate.